
as Véarsaí Cātu / from Cātu verses

Gan a Bheith go hIomlán faoi Cheilt

Gan a bheith go hiomlán faoi cheilt
ar nós cíocha ollmhóra mhná Ghujarat
agus gan a bheith le feiscint ag cách
ar nós chíocha na dTamalach,
ní hea ach súpláilte
ar nós chíocha leathnochta
na gcailíní Teileagúcha
gan a bheith ceilte ná nochta:
is mar sin is cóir dán a chumadh.
Aon rud eile
cúis mhagaidh a bheadh ann.

Not Entirely Hidden

Not entirely hidden,
like the enormous breasts of those Gujarati women,
and not open to view,
like a Tamil woman's breasts,
but rather
like the supple, half-uncovered breasts
of a Telugu girl,
neither concealed nor exposed:
that's how a poem should be composed.
Anything else
is a joke.


Classical Telugu Poetry
