

Muintir Oileáin Pelew

Pelew Islanders

When Europeans first landed
on the Pelew Islands, the naked natives
greeted them with horrified astonishment.
Touching the sailors' clothes with trembling fingers,
they begged to know what method of tattoo
produced such strange and colourful skin.
Bill Wolak

Muintir Oileáin Pelew

Nuair a tháinig Eorpaigh i dtír an chéad uair
sna hOileáin Pelew, bhí alltacht
is ionadh ar na bundúchasaigh nochta ann.
Leagadar méara creathánacha ar éadach na mairnéalach
agus iad cíocrach chun a fháil amach cén modh tatuála
a chruthaigh craiceann chomh hait is chomh hiontach leis