

Naimhde na Teanga/ Enemies of the Language

The enemies of the language are legion. How to deal with them? The answer, it seems to me, is to be crane-faced. I am working on it.

There is nothing like a Goddess scorned. And in case of Bagalamukhi (called the One who checks the mouth), she can be a towering personality to behold. While she protects her devotees, she can be the face of evil in case of any wrong doer. She is the eighth of the ten forms of the goddess known as dashamahavidya. Some ancient scriptures also call her crane faced. She is focused on her intent and gaze like the crane who waddles in the waters looking at its target. Those who pray to her whole heartedly, get the same kind of physiognomies to silence their enemies. But they can be granted their wish only when they are able to fulfill the rituals and manage to appease her long enough to grant a blessing.


Déan corr réisc díom

Is líonmhar iad naimhde mo theanga

Conas cur suas le seitgháire
Ó mhaidin go hoíche?

Déan corr réisc díom
Achainím ort

Éist lena ngiob geab!

Dean corr réisc díom
Slogfad a dteangacha!


Turn me into a grey heron

Countless the enemies of my language

How can we put up with their sniggering
From morning till night?

Turn me into a grey heron
I beseech You

Listen to their prattle!

Turn me into a grey heron
I will swallow all their tongues!