

Déan do ghreamáin féin, a deir Edith Vonnegut, agus greamaigh leat

Iníon leis an scríbhneoir Kurt Vonnegut, Jnr í Edith Vonnegut agus tá cead tugtha aici dúinn a cuid greamán ealaíonta [thíos] a chóipeáil agus iad a ghreamú de bhuidéil phlaisteacha in ollmhargaí. Cuireann buidéil phlaisteacha le bánaí í! Tá na haigéin á dtachtadh acu.

Bottle Battle

I like to make these big stickers and go into super markets and slap them on plastic water bottles made by Coca Cola, Pepsi, Nestles and other nefarious institutions that are making a fortune selling us our own water. This is what I do in my spare time. I am furious about plastic and litter clogging our land and oceans. Please feel free to join me in this fight. You may copy these stickers, print it on sticky paper, cut them out and start your own little uprising. Be stealthy and let me know how you do.