


When I was dreaming
a woman came to me.
She was holding a garden
in her hand.
That it was for sale
she whispered.
I paid a price.
The price was my waking.
She went with my sleep.
Just a memory
remained from my slumber
and its world.

Als ich träumte
kam eine Frau zu mir.
Sie hielt einen Garten
in ihrer Hand.
Dass er zu kaufen wäre
flüsterte sie.
Ich zahlte einen Preis.
Der Preis war mein Erwachen.
Sie ging mit meinem Schlaf.
Nur eine Erinnerung
blieb mir vom Schlummer
und seiner Welt.

As ik drööm
kööm en Fru to mi.
Se holt en Goorn
in ehr Hand.
Dat he to köpen weer
wisperde se.
Ik betahlde en Pries.
De Pries weer mien Opwaken.
Se gung mit mien Slaap.
Blot en Beholen
bleev mi vun' Slummer
un sien Welt

Agus mé ag taibhreamh
tháinig bean chugam.
Bhí gairdín aici
ina lámh.
Ar díol a bhí sé
ar sise i gcogar
D'íocas as.
An praghas ná gur dhúisíos.
D'imigh sí i dteannta mo shuainse.
Níor fhan dem chodladhsa
is den domhan sin
ach cuimhne

Leander Sukov is a writer from Hamburg who writes in German and Low German. His work is consistently politically characterised by the goal of a humane, exploitation-free world. Even in his love poems, the reflection of the world is always present. Sukov was vice-president of the German PEN Centre from 2019 to 2021, he is the secretary general of the Louise Aston Society* and the president of the Low German-Frisian PEN Centre (aspiring), which was founded in autumn 2023. In addition to works of fiction, he also writes theatre and literary reviews. He is a member of the federal executive committee of the Writers' Union (VS in ver.di) and is an active trade unionist.


An Dara Báibil


The Second Babel

It is the Age of the Second Babel
we cannot hear our own neighbour
we cannot understand what he says
a dust storm arises
confusion reigns
we cannot  hear
confusion reigns
we cannot see our own neighbour

An Dara Báibil

Is í Aois an Dara Báibil í
ní chloisimid ár gcomharsa féin
ní thuigimid cad atá á rá aige
éiríonn stoirm dheannaigh
an domhan ina chíor thuathail
ní chloisimid
an domhan ina chíor thuathail
ní fheicimid ár gcomharsa féin


Tráth chun Rince


Time to Dance

a time to mourn, and a time to dance (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)
There's a time for this
and a time for that
a time for dancing
around the Golden Calf
But what time is this?                     
What is this time for?
What does this time mean
or any other time?
And what does it mean                           
when there’s no time left?
Is Chronos devouring his children?
Devouring the world?
There's no time for this
no time for that
no time for dancing
around the Golden Calf

Tráth chun Rince

tráth chun caointe, agus tráth chun rince (Leabhar Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)   
Tá tráth ann chun seo a dhéanamh
Tráth chun siúd a dhéanamh
Tráth chun rince a dhéanamh
Timpeall an Lao Óir
Ach cén tráth é seo anois?
Cad i gcomhair é?                      
Cad is brí leis an tráth áirithe seo
Nó tráth ar bith eile?
Agus nuair nach mbeidh tráth ar bith fágtha?
Cén bhrí a bhainfidh leis sin?
An bhfuil a chlann á slogadh ag Cronas?
An bhfuil an domhan á shlogadh aige?
Ní tráth é chun seo a dhéanamh
Ní tráth é chun siúd a dhéanamh
Ní tráth é chun rince a dhéanamh
Timpeall an Lao Óir


Thair's a tyme fir this
an a tyme fir that
a time fir jiggin
aroon the Gowden Cauf
Bit whit tyme is this?
Whit's this tyme fir?
whit daes this tyme mean
or onie ither tyme?
An whit daes it mean
whan thair's nae tyme left?
Is Chronos rivin intil's bairns?
rivin intil the warl?
Thair's nae tyme fir this
nae tyme fir that
nae tyme fir jiggin
roon the Gowden Cauf.

Leagan Béarla na hAlban: John McDonald


Paidir ar son uisce


Paidir ar son Uisce

A Íosa,
Uisce Beo
do bhean na Samáire
Uisce an Spioraid

Tá ganntanas uisce inniu
ar phobal na Palaistíne
uisce le n-ól
uisce chun iad féin a ní
uisce chun cócaireacht a dhéanamh

tá díhiodráitiú ag scaipeadh
agus an galar buinní

tugtar apartheid uisce anois
ar uisce atá in úsáid mar arm

tá córas cóireála uisce ag teastáil
Ó, a mhac Dé!
An seasfá ar garda
ar eagla go mbuamálfaí é?

Una oracion por el agua

Agua viva
fue lo que prometiste
a la Mujer de Samaria
el agua del Espiritu

Hoy la gente de Palestina
necesitan agua
agua ordinaria
agua para beber
agua para lavar sus cuerpos
agua con que cocinar

la deshidratación está extendiéndose
y las enfermedades por diarreas

es lo que se llama el agua del geto
el agua es ahora usada como arma

una planta de tratamiento es necesaria
dulce Jesús
Puedes guardarnos
y asegurarnos que no nos bombarden?

Leagan Spáinnise: Patricia Jiménez

A Prayer for Water

Living Water
is what you promised
the woman from Samaria
Water of the Spirit

Today the people of Palestine
lack water
ordinary water
water to drink
water to wash themselves
water with which to cook

dehydration is spreading
and diarrheal disease

in what is called water apartheid
water is now being used as a weapon

a water-treatment plant is needed
sweet Jesus!
Can you stand guard
and ensure it won't be bombed?


Machnamh an Ainrialaí ar an tSaoirse


The Anarchist's Vision of Freedom

thorns . . .
forming a crown
thorns caused
by the intense suffering
of man's royal ego

thorns . . .

they can never cause
anything but suffering

when nations, tribes
and individuals
assert non-brotherhood
thorns sink deeper
and deeper
cutting through flesh and bone
to marrow and pith
until the world writhes
and screams
in the bondage of possessions
and illusions

thorns . . .

throw off your crown
embrace your brother and sister
be free of suffering

Machnamh an Ainrialaí ar an tSaoirse

dealga . . .
an choróin spíne
a fhásann as géarfhulaingt
ego ríoga an duine

dealga . . .

ní chruthaíonn siad riamh
ach fulaingt

nuair is é an neamhbhráithreachas
an neamhshiúrachas
a chuireann náisúin is treibheanna
chun cinn
gabhann na dealga
níos mó
agus níos mó
tríd an mbeo is tríd an gcnámh
go smior is go smúsach
go dtí go dtosnaíonn an domhan
ag scréachaíl is ag lúbarnaíl
ina sclábhaí ag a chuid maoine
is a chuid seachmall

dealga . . .

bain díot an choróin
beir barróg ar do dheartháir, do dheirfiúr
bí saor ón bhfulaingt


wrocht intae a croun
jaggies brocht aboot
bi the odious dool
o man's ryal ego


thair wey's dool an pyne
whan nations, clans
an chiels whae cum the peter ower
threep non-britherhood
jaggies slump ower the hurdies
deep in ower the hurdies
sneddin throuch flaish an bane
tae mergh an pith
till the warl thraws
an skirls
i the bondage o thingums
an geegaws


fling aff yer croun
oxter yer brither an sister
win free o dool an pyne!

Leagan Béarla na hAlban: John McDonald


Treibheanna i mBun Cogaíochta


Treibheanna i mBun Cogaíochta

Iarraimis ar an mBúda
a bheith ina Phríomh-Idirbheartaí
i measc treibheanna atá i mbun cogaíochta.
Cén fáth nach n-iarrfaimis?
Is léir
nach bhfuil ar chumas
uachtaráin Mheiriceá
idirbheartaíocht fhiúntach a dhéanamh:
Jimmy Carter
George H. W. Bush
Bill Clinton
George W. Bush
Barack Obama
Donald Trump
Joe Biden . . .

Ar fhágas ainm ar lár?
Nach cuma!

Pé créatúr a bheidh mar chéad Uachtarán eile
ar na Stáit Aontaithe, éist
an maródh sé thú mantra Búdaíoch a chanadh?
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha

Warring Tribes

Let us ask the Buddha
to act as Chief Negotiator
among warring tribes.
Why not?
Clearly, meaningful negotiation
is beyond the capabilities
of American presidents:
Jimmy Carter
George H. W. Bush
Bill Clinton
George W. Bush
Barack Obama
Donald Trump
Joe Biden . . .

Have I missed one?
Does it matter?

Whatever craythur is going to be the next President
of the United States, listen:
would it kill you
to chant a Buddhist mantra?
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha

Tribus guerreras

Preguntémosle al Buda
que actúe como Jefe Negociador
entre las tribus guerreras.
Porqué no?
Claramente, una negociación significativa
está más allás de las capacidades
de los presidentes Americanos:
Jimmy Carter
George H. W. Bush
Bill Clinton
George W. Bush
Barack Obama
Donald Trump
Joe Biden . . .

Se me quedó alguno?
Es importante?

Quien quiera que vaya a ser el próximo Presidente
de los Estados Unidos, escuchen:
les mataría
elcantar un mantra budista?
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha

Leagan Spáinnise: Patricia Jiménez





Caithfidh mé treabhadh ar aghaidh
bealach amháin nó bealach eile
Caithfidh tú treabhadh ar aghaidh
bealach amháin nó bealach eile
Caithfidh sí treabhadh ar aghaidh
bealach amháin nó bealach eile
Caithfidh sé treabhadh ar aghaidh
bealach amháin nó bealach eile
Caithfimid treabhadh ar aghaidh
bealach amháin nó bealach eile
Caithfidh sibh treabhadh ar aghaidh
bealach amháin nó bealach eile
Caithfidh siad treabhadh ar aghaidh
bealach amháin nó bealach eile
Caithfear treabhadh ar aghaidh
bealach amháin nó bealach eile
Treabhaimis ar aghaidh!