
Bíodh Lá Deas Agat! / Have a Nice Day!

Cutting Bananas in Jamaica, Frank Newbould (1930)
Have a Nice Day is a protest poem in Irish and English by Gabriel Rosenstock.

Bíodh Lá Deas Agat!

(do Guy Debord 1931-1994)

Tá go maith, ag ceannach roinnt bananaí san ollmhargadh atáim,
spadhar éigin, ní foláir.
Is é lá breithe Harry Belafonte é
(bheadh an céad bainte amach aige).
I mo pháiste dhom, bhíos meallta go mór
ag an leagan aige den Banana Boat Song:
‘Tar, a fhir an tailí, agus comhair mo bhananaí . . .’
Ar aon chuma, ag tabhairt aire do mo ghnó féin a bhíos
agus mé ag smaoineamh (ní coir atá sa smaointeoireacht, tá súil agam):
Cuir i gcás go mba fhear geal é Belafonte
agus Zelenskyy (‘y’ amháin nó dhá ‘y’?) ina fhear gorm.
An mbeadh léamh eile againn ar an stair?
Íocaim as na bananaí.
Ba chóir bananaí a reo, dar leis an Dr Alan Mandell.
Toisc . . .? Breathnaigh air, tá sé ar YouTube.

‘Tar, a fhir an tailí, agus reoigh mo bhananaí!’
Ní fhuaimníonn sé i gceart.
Chuirfinn geall nach reofadh Harry Belafonte a chuid bananaí go deo).
Ar aon nós, cá rabhas?
Sea go deimhin, íocaimse as na bananaí (neamhreoite),
Féachaim as eireaball mo shúl ar shuaitheantas ainm an chúntóra:
Galyna . . .
Úcránach? Cá bhfios. Níl tuairim agam dáiríre.
‘Bíodh lá deas agat,’ ar sise.
Táim im’ staic anois aici.
An ag dul as mo mheabhair atáim?
Ní bhraithim ar fónamh in aon chor.
‘Deas? Lá deas? Cad is brí le deas?
Bíodh lá deas agam
agus an cac á bhualadh as a chéile ag cách –
gan stad!
Báibíní! Búm! Buamáilte! Búm! Búm!’
De bharr cleachtaidh, is dócha, arsa Galyna arís
‘Bíodh lá deas agat!’
‘Lá deas, an ea? Conas sa foc a . . .’
‘Lucht Slándála! Cuntar amach 5.
A Lucht Slándála? Cuntar amach 5, le bhur dtoil!’
Réchúiseach go maith atá sí ina thaobh.
An dtarlaíonn sé seo go minic?
Sna deich soicind sula dtagann na gardaí slándála –
na tatúnna sin, th’anam ’on ducs!-
Samhlaím go gcloisim curfá Bíodh Lá Deas Agat!
Iad ar fad á rá, sa stíl Iamácach:

Deochanna boga
Lorgaí sicín
Bíodh lá deas agat!

Agus an criú slándála do m’iompar chun siúil . . .
Dhera féach, tá jab le déanamh acu is dócha.

Is beag Béarla atá ag ceachtar acu.
Laitvigh? Eastónaigh? Úcránaigh? Cá bhfios.
‘Samhlaigh go raibh Zelenskyy ina fhear gorm,’ arsa mise leo.
Is dócha go gceapann siad gur duine le Dia mé.
Chun a gceart a thabhairt dóibh, ní rabhadar ródhian orm.
Cá bhfios ná gur chabhraíos-sa leo, ar bhealach éigin,
Nár thugas rud éigin dóibh le déanamh,
nár dheineas an saol níos eachtrúla dóibh?
Leagann siad síos mé tuairim is leathchéad slat
ó dhoras an ollmhargaidh
taobh le reilig bheo ollmhór tralaithe
slabhra orthu go léir
bonn airgid uathu go géar a scaoilfeadh saor iad.
Deinim banana a thairiscint do na gardaí
agus féachann siad orm faoi mar ba bhreab é.
Ní deir siad ach, ‘Bíodh lá deas agat!’
Agus brostaíd leo, ag freagairt do ghlaoch eile:
‘Lucht Slándála! Cuntar amach 11.
A Lucht Slándála? Cuntar amach 11, le bhur dtoil!’  


(for Guy Debord 1931-1994)

OK, I buy a few bananas at the supermarket
on a whim, more or less.
It’s Harry Belafonte’s birthday
(He’d be 100).
As a child, I was enthralled by his rendition
of The Banana Boat Song:
‘Come, Mr Tally Man, tally me banana . . .’
Anyway,  here I am minding my own business,
and thinking (it’s not an offence to think, is it?)
What if Belafonte were white
and Zelenskyy (one ‘y’ or two?) black?
Would history have turned out differently?
I pay for my bananas.
Dr Alan Mandell says you should freeze your bananas.
Why? It’s on YouTube. Have a look.
‘Come, Mr Tally Man, freeze me bananas!’
Nope. Doesn’t sound right.
Bet Harry Belafonte never froze his bananas).
Anyway, where was I?
Oh, yes, I pay for my (unfrozen) bananas,
glancing at the name badge on the check-out person:
Galyna . . .
Ukrainian? Could be.
‘Have a nice day,’ she says.
I freeze.
Am I going bananas?
I must say, I don’t feel well at all.
‘Nice? Nice day? What do you mean nice?’ I say.
‘Have a nice day
While people are bombing the shit out of each other –
every goddam hour!
Babies! Boom! Bombed to bejasus! Boom Boom!’
Galyna, out of force of habit, I guess, says
‘Have a nice day!’
‘How the fuck can I have a nice day when . . .’
‘Security! Checkout 5.
Security? Checkout 5, please!’
She seems quite cool about it.
Does this happen a lot?
In the 10 seconds before two security guards arrive –
you never saw such tattoos! –
I imagine I hear a chorus of Have a Nice Day!
They’re all crooning it, kind of Jamaican style:

Soft drinks
Chicken legs
Have a nice day!
As the security lads lead me away . . .
Ah sure look, they’re only doing their job, I guess.

They haven’t much English between them.
Latvian? Estonian? Ukrainian? Who knows.
‘Imagine Zelenskyy was a black guy,’ says I.
They probably think I’m nuts.
To be fair, they were nice enough as it happens.
Maybe I helped out, in some small way, you know,
gave them something to do,
made life a little bit more interesting for them?
They plonk me down, about 50 yards
from the entrance to the supermarket
beside a massive living graveyard of trolleys
with a dangling chain on each
all hungry for a coin to release them.

I offer the guards a banana.
Their attitude is, ‘We don’t take bribes.’
All they say is, ‘Have a nice day!’
And scurry off in answer to another call:
‘Security! Checkout 11.
Security? Checkout 11, please!’

O zi plăcută!

lui Guy Debord 1931-1994

Ok, cumpăr cîteva banane de la supermarket
oarecum dintr-un capriciu.  
Este ziua de naștere a lui Harry Belafonte
(ar fi împlinit o sută de ani).
În copilărie  mă vrăja în cu   
Cîntecul bananei:
„ Hei, Mr. Tally Man* vino să-mi cîntărești banana. . . . . .”
În fine, îmi văd de treabă, gîndindu-mă
(a gîndi nu jignește pe nimeni ori . . . ?)
la ce s-ar întîmpla dacă Belafonte ar fi alb
și Zelenskyy (cu un singur ‘y,’ sau cu doi?) ar fi o persoană de culoare?
Istoria ar arăta altfel?
Achit bananele.
Dr. Alan Mandell spune că  bananele ar trebui înghețate.
Cum așa? Este pe You Tube. Priviți.
„Hei, Mr. Tally Man, vino să-mi îngheți bananele!”
Nu. Nu sună bine.
Pariez că Harry Belafonte niciodată nu și-a înghețat bananele!
Unde mă aflam, totuși?
Oh, da, plătesc pentru bananele (neînghețate)
în timp ce privesc  ecusonul cu numele persoanei de la casă:
Galyna. . .
Ucraineancă S-ar putea.
„O zi plăcută!”, spune ea.
O iau razna?
Trebuie să spun că nu mă simt deloc bine.
„Plăcută ? Zi plăcută ? Ce înseamnă plăcută?”, zic eu.
O zi plăcută?
În timp ce oamenii se bombardează–
la fiecare nenorocită de oră!
Copii! Bubuie! A bubuit, Doamne! Bubuie Bubuie!”
Cred că din obișnuință spune Galyna:
„O zi plăcută!”
„Cum naiba pot să am o zi plăcută cînd. . .”
Paza! Verificați 5.
Paza? Verificați 5, vă rog!
Tare cool trebuie să i se pară treaba asta.
Se întîmplă de multe ori?
În nici două secunde sosesc doi gardieni–
asemenea tatuaje nu ați văzut niciodată! –
Îmi imaginez că aud un cor: O zi plăcută!  
Toți fredonează cîntecul  într-un fel oarecum  jamaican:

Băuturi nealcoolice
Picioare de pui
O zi plăcută!
Cînd băieții de la pază mă conduc în altă parte. . .
Ah, de bună seamă, își fac datoria, cred.

Nu prea vorbesc în engleză între ei.
Letona? Estona? Ucraineana? Cine știe.
„Imaginați-vă că Zelenskyy ar fi ‘o persoană de culoare’ ”,  zic eu.
Ei cred, probabil, că sunt nebun.
E drept, au fost destul de drăguți, ca de obicei,
poate că i-am ajutat cît de cît, știți,
le-am dat ceva de lucru,
le-am făcut viața puțin mai interesantă.
Și mă iau și mă trîntesc cam la 50 de yarzi depărtare
de intrarea în supermarket,
lîngă un cimitir viu și întins de cărucioare,
fiecare cu  un lanț atîrnînd pe el,
și toate așteptînd cu lăcomie o monedă care să le elibereze.    

Le ofer gardienilor o banană.
Și reacționează:„Nu ne lăsăm mituiți.”
Atît spun:„ O zi plăcută ! ”
Și se grăbesc  să răspundă unei alte chemări:
Paza! Verificați 11.
Paza? Verificați 11, vă rog!

Romanian version: Olimpia Iacob


The Displaced, Díláraithe

Drive out, Masood Hussain

The Displaced

The truth lies within.
Look inside!
What do you see?
Do you not see that it is the heart
That is displaced!

In Sichot Haran
Rebbe Nachman of Breslov speaks these lightning words:
"You should feel the pain of others
in your own heart."
Fine! But if the heart is missing, displaced?
He continues,
"If you can't feel this pain
you must strike your head
against the walls of your heart."
Yes, yes, yes!
But if the heart is displaced, if the heart is missing?


Istigh ionainn atá an fhírinne.
Féach isteach ionat féin!
Cad is léir duit?
Nach léir gurb é an croí
Atá díláraithe!

Sa Sichot Haran
Tá na briathra tintrí seo ag Rebbe Nachman:
"Ba chóir arraing an duine eile a bhrath
i do chroí féin."
Go breá! Ach má tá an croí ar iarraidh, díláraithe?
Leanann sé air,
"Mura mbraitheann tú an arraing sin
ni mór duit do chloigeann a bhualadh
in aghaidh bhallaí an chroí."
Sea, sea, sea!
Ach más díláraithe atá sé, más ar iarraidh atá an croí?

The Displaced

The truith liggs wi'in.
Leuk thair!
Whit dae ye glisk?
Dae ye no glisk, it's the hert
thit's displaced

Tak tent!
in Sichot Haran
Rebbe Nachman o Breslov threeps thae lichtnin wurds:
'Ye suid fin the pyne o ithers
i yer ain hert.'
Fine! Bit gin the hert's amissin, displaced?
He threeps on,
'Gin ye cannae fin this pyne
ye maun dunt yer heid
forenent the wa's o yer hert'
Bit gin the hert's displaced, gin the hert's amissin?

Leagan Béarla na hAlban: John McDonald

Other collaborations between Masood Hussain and Gabriel Rosenstock include Walk with Gandhi, a biographical sketch with haiku for Young Adults (FreeKidsBooks), Love Letter to Kashmir (Cross-Cultural Communications, New York), and Boatman! take these songs from me (Manipal Universal Press, India).


Only Bombs are real / Buamaí amháin atá fíor

 Only Bombs Are Real is an ekphrastic poem in Irish and English by Gabriel Rosenstock, in response to Raptus (c.1913) by American artist Marsden Hartley.

 Only Bombs Are Real

Is this real
this heavenly light
or am I gripped
by the fantastic workings of the brain
For now
it seems
that only bombs are real
Certain people
on their deathbed
see this heavenly light:
Might it be no more than the implosion
of millions of dying cells in their brain?
For now
it seems
that only bombs are real

Buamaí Amháin Atá Fíor

An léas neimhe seo
an fíor é
nó an gafa atáim
ag  feidhmiú dochreidte
na hinchinne
Ní fíor dar liom
i láthair na huaire
aon ní ach buamaí
Ag saothrú an bháis dóibh
is léir do dhaoine áirithe
an léas neimhe sin:
An é nach bhfuil ann ach imphléascadh
na gceall inchinne gan áireamh?
Ní fíor dar liom
i láthair na huaire
aon ní ach buamaí

Doar bombele sunt reale    

Este reală
această lumină divină
ori sunt eu vrăjit
de mecanismele fantastice ale creierului?
se pare
că doar bombele sunt reale
Pe patul de moarte
anumiți oameni
văd această lumină divină:
Să fie oare implozia
milioanelor de celule cerebrale care cedează?
se pare
că doar bombele sunt reale

Romanian: Olimpia Iacob

Solo las bombas son reales

Esto es real
esta luz celestial
o estoy atrapado
por el fantástico trabajo del cerebro.
Por ahora
que las bombas son reales.
Cierta gente
en su lecho de muerte
ve esta luz celestial
Podría ser solo la implosión
de millones de células muriendo en el cerebro?
Por ahora
que las bombas son reales.

Spanish: Patricia Jiménez

குண்டுகளைத் தவிர வேறில்லை

இந்த சொர்க்கத்தின் ஒளி
மூளையின் நம்ப முடியா செயல்களுக்குள்
குண்டுகளைத் தவிர வேறில்லை
என்றே தெரிகிறது
தங்கள் மரணப் படுக்கையில்
இந்த சொர்க்கத்தின் ஒளியைக்
அது தங்கள் மூளைக்குள் மடியும்
மில்லியன் செல்களின்
உட்குழிவினும் பெரிதாயிருக்கலாம்?
குண்டுகளைத் தவிர வேறில்லை
என்றே தெரிகிறது

Tamil: Tamilmainthan John Richard



Japanese: Maki Starfield


Michael Augustin (POETS OF THE PLANET)


Michael Augustin & Gabriel

Die Grabinschriften
Russisch, Hebräisch, Ukrainisch
Rumänisch, Jiddisch, Deutsch
Hier kannst du
von den Toten lernen
wie sich zusammen leben ließe
ohne Streit


Na feartlaoithe
Rúisis, Eabhrais, Úcráinis
Rómáinis, Giúdais, Gearmáinis

Is féidir foghlaim anseo
ó na mairbh
conas maireachtaint le chéile
gan aighneas.


The epitaphs
Russian, Hebrew, Ukrainian
 Romanian, Yiddish, German

Here you can
learn from the dead
how we might live together
without strife


Des inscriptions funéraires
en russe, hébreu, ukrainien,
roumain, yiddish, allemand
Ici, tu peux
apprendre des morts
comment vivre ensemble
sans se disputer.

Traduction de Francis Combes


Maram al-Masri (POETS OF THE PLANET)

Níl a fhios ag mná
dem’ shórtsa conas labhairt.
Fanann focal ina scornach
mar dhealg
a shlogfaidh siad.
Mná dem’ shórtsa
ní heol dóibh faic ach caoineadh,
caoineadh doshamhlaithe
gan choinne
ar nós artaire a gearradh.
Mná dem’ shórtsa
buailtear iad
gan buille a bhualadh ar ais.
Bíd ar crith le cuthach,
cuirid srian leis.
Mná dem’ shórtsa
is geall le leoin i gcás iad
ag taibhreamh . . .
ar shaoirse


M. K. Ajay (Poets of the Planet)


I lár m'aignese,
Púróga boga thart air,
féar glas,

Istigh sa lochán,
cuilithíní, agus éisc órga
a ndearna duine éigin dearúd
iad a chur isteach san uisceadán.

Agus laistigh de na héisc órga tá fiaile,
tithe glasa na mbuaf is na dtorbán.

Laistigh den fhiaile, leis,
fionnuaire agus láib,
scáileanna ó dhomhan iomlán na hóige.
Laistigh den fhiaile tá brionglóidí
á slogadh ag éisc órga
tumann cruidíní chun breith orthu.

Preabann éigrit.

An aigne ag cleitearnach.

Ní fheicim an lochán a thuilleadh.

Ní bhraithim ach an fhionnuaire ar mo chraiceann,
déantar aislingí dá chuimilt
ar snámh isteach i bhforaois dhubh
laistigh dem' shuan,
sa tóir ar sheanmháthair.

M.K. Ajay