Pálás, ríchathaoir, coróin
Drochmheas ag daoine ar an lá,
Níl ón duine ach maoin, mo bhrón
Cén domhan é seo, ní féidir a rá.
Leonta an cholainn, anam ag feo
Catsúil fhaiteach, croí faoi scáth,
Ní bheidh parthas ann go deo
Cén domhan é seo, ní féidir a rá.
An beatha atá uainn nó saol san uaigh
Ag spraoi le daoine ar nós bréagán
Cad atá uainn, lúcháir nó buairt?
Cén domhan é seo, ní féidir a rá.
An óige sa tóir ar dhóchas de shíor
An duine ar díol, tá praghas ar an ngrá
Cad atá bréagach cad atá fíor
Cén domhan é seo ní féidir a rá.
Níl sa saol ach gal is smúit
Dílseacht, cairdeas ag tuile is ag trá
An grá féin is gan ann ach drúis
Cén domhan é seo ní féidir a rá.
Dóimis é go léir léir
Dóimis é ó bhun go barr
Dóimis é ó thalamh go spéir
Cén domhan é seo ní féidir a rá…
World of palaces, crowns and thrones,
What does society care for this day?
A world that measures all that it owns:
What’s this world should it come my way?
Injured body, thirsty soul,
Restless glance, the heart afraid,
What world is this? A senseless hole:
What’s this world should it come my way?
Playing with people like some wooden toy
Is it life we worship . . . or is it the grave?
Is it sorrow we seek . . . or maybe pure joy:
What’s this world should it come my way?
Wandering youth in search of hope,
So many bodies up for sale,
Love exchanged for a measly grope:
What’s this world should it come my way?
World where man is no more than dust
Loyalty nothing, friendship a game
Love melts so easily into lust:
What’s this world should it come my way?
Burn it all on a funeral pyre
Remove this world from me in a blaze
Set it on fire, set it on fire:
What’s this world should it come my way?