(Amhrán breithe ó mháthair den treibh Bhil)
A ghealbhain dhil, a chroí, beir scéala uaim chun mo mhuintire:Abair le m’athair go bhfuil mac tugtha agam ar an saol
Abair le mo mháthair go bhfuil mac tugtha agam ar an saol
Iarr ar m’athair sáraí nua a thabhairt dom
Iarr blús ildaite ar mo mháthair
Abair le mo dheartháir go bhfuil mac agam
Abair leis siúd sáraí a thabhairt dom chomh maith
Inis do m’uncail go bhfuil mac tugtha agam ar an saol
Iarr air teacht is blús ildaite a bhreith leis
I have given birth to a son
(Tribal birth song by a Bhil mother)
Dear sweet sparrow, deliver this message for me:
Tell my father that I have given birth to a son
Tell my mother that I have given birth to a son
Ask my father to give me a new sari
Ask my mother for a blouse of many colours
Tell my brother that I have a son
Ask him to give me a sari too
Tell my uncle that I have given birth to a son
Ask him to bring me a blouse of many colours
The Absent Traveller: Prakrit Love Poetry from the Gathasaptasati of Satavahana Hala