The Prayer by Leonardo de Mango (sic)
Mangónna Gealbhuí ón bPacastáin/ Bright Yellow Mangoes from Pakistan is a bilingual poem by Gabriel Rosenstock in response to an
interview with the late Luis Andrés Bredlow.
Mangónna Gealbhuí ón bPacastáin
An Stát a chruthaigh an lá beannaithe seo
Ní bheadh sé ann in éagmais an Stáit
Tosnaíonn sé ag cur báistí
Stopann an bháisteach
Ar ordú ón Stát
Cumhacht mhistéireach an Stáit
A chruthaíonn tranglam tráchta
Agus a réitíonn an fhadhb
An Stát a leagann bean ar an tsráid
An Stát a thugann go dtí an t-ospidéal í
Tá an uile ní faoi chúram maith an Stáit
An Stát a rialaíonn líon na súnás a cheadaítear do státseirbhísigh
Bí buíoch den Stát
Guigh ar son an Stáit
Murach an Stát
An mbeifeá in ann mangónna úra a cheannach
Le hairgead cruashaothraithe
San ollmhargadh, mangónna gealbhuí
An bealach go léir ón bPacastáin?
Bright Yellow Mangoes from Pakistan
This blessed Day was invented by the State
It could not exist without the State
Rain commences
Rain ceases
By order of the State
Where would we get our News, our Weather
Were it not for the State?
Traffic jams are created
And mercifully resolved
By the mysterious power of the State
A woman is knocked down by the State
And is brought to the hospital by the State
All is in the good hands of the State
The State regulates the amount of orgasms allowed to civil servants
Be grateful to the State
Pray for the State
Were it not for the State
Would you be able to buy fresh mangoes
With hard-earned money
In the supermarket, bright yellow mangoes
All the way from Pakistan?
bricht yalla mangoes frae Pakistan
This seilie Day wis cleckit bi the State
It cudnae exeest wi'oot the State
Weet sterts
Weet lats be
Whan the State threeps
Whaur'd we git oor speirins, oor wedder
Bit fir the State?
Traffick jams'r wrocht
An God bethankit lowst
Bi the eldritch pooer o the State
A wifie's caw'd doon bi the State
Fesht tae hoaspital bi the State
Aw's in the guid hauns o the State
The State guides hou monie organisms ceevil servants maun hae
Be thankrife tae the State
Gie up incaains fir the State
Gin it wisnae fir the State
Wid ye be able tae coff caller mangoes
Wi hard wrocht siller
In the supermerkit, bricht yalla mangoes
Aw the wey frae Pakistan?
Béarla na hAlban: John McDonald