tá mo ghrása i Sasana
liath atá mo chroí
chomh fuar liath leis an Tamais
ní scalann an ghrian
tríd an smúit
my love is in England
my heart is grey
cold and grey as the Thames
sunshine cannot pierce
the gloom
solas an lae, nach luachmhar é
nuair a sheasann tú ann
do ghilese tríd
is den ábhar céanna sibh
tusa is an solas
daylight, how precious it is
when you stand there
your radiance mingling with it
the same substance
you and the light
bímis mar scáthán
ar thost a chéile
d’fhonn teacht ar an bhféin comónta
gan tús
scáil na gcrann i linn
let us mirror
each other’s silence
and find the common self
that is beginningless
trees reflected in a pond
is fuirist fís a chailliúint
scairteann an t-anam ar son comhartha
gabhann an scairt sin foirm is cruth
is féach
ealaí ag eitilt thar dhumhcha
a vision is easily lost
the soul cries out for a sign
a cry takes form and shape
and look
swans flying over dunes
cad a chloiseann tú
cantain éan os cionn tráchta
an gcloiseann tú a gcloisimse
trup na sál
ag teacht faoim’ dhéin
what is it you hear
birdsong above traffic
do you hear what I hear
clip-clop of heels
you draw near
tógaimis carr
suas síos Ascaill a Cúig
go dtí go stopfaidh an bháisteach
go dtí go stopfaidh mo chroí
a ansacht
let’s take a cab
up and down Fifth Avenue
until the rain stops
until my heart stops
tá sí ag feitheamh linn
ag tnúth linn
is sinne ag tnúth léithise
mistéir a chéile
i mistéir an róis
it awaits us
it longs for us
as we have longed for it
the mystery of each other
in the mystery of the rose
what’s new
our love is new
as it was yesterday
and today and always
that’s what’s new
scél lem dúib
is úr dár ngrá
mar a bhí inné
mar atá inniu is go brách
é mo scél
cuireann an fómhar
ag machnamh sinn go lom
is clos ó chnocaibh i gcéin
clascairt na mbeann
ón am fadó
autumn causes us
to look at ourselves bare
on distant hills we hear
a clash of antlers
from long ago
chonac Manhattan i dtaibhreamh
is é ag taibhreamh faoi féin
chuala do ghuth ansin
dúisigh, dúisigh
tabhair dom póg
I saw Manhattan in a dream
dreaming of itself
then I heard your voice
wake up, wake up
kiss me
nuair nach mbraithim
taobh liom thú
mothaím thú
i dtic uaireadóra
leathghealach sa spéir
when you’re not near
everything reminds me
of your absence
tick of a watch
half-moon in the sky
gabh chugat féin pé cruth
pé ainm is mian leat
inniu is tú Pómóna
caomhnóir cnónna
is torthaí
take whatever shape
whatever name you wish
today you are Pomona
guardian of nuts
and fruits
the Gaels saw them
as nothing more
than seal snot
look what’s coming ashore
tá’s agat féin
cad a shíl
na Gaeil díobh
féach cad tá ag teacht i dtír
smugairlí róin
bíonn laethanta ann
is bíonn bratacha balbh
faic le rá acu
leoithne phatuar
ag dul i bhfolach
there are days
when flags are dumb
nothing to say
an indifferent breeze
goes into hiding
cad a chanann sé
óiréal an úlloird
cúpla nóta cráite
agus an tost, uch
nach géar é
what does it sing
the orchard oriole
a few piercing notes
and silence, ah
how sharp
thaibhríos gur gréasaí a bhí ionam
tháinig tú led’ bhróga
tar ar ais i gceann míosa, ar mé
choinníos iad
ar feadh bliana
I dreamt I was a cobbler
you brought me your shoes
call for them in a month, I said
I kept them
for a whole year
cosc ar mhná?
cá bhfuilim?
McSorley’s, a dhuine uasail
cén bhliain í seo?
tá do dhóthain ólta agat, a dhuine uasail
you don’t’ serve ladies?
where am I?
McSorley’s, Sir
what year is this?
I think you’ve had enough, Sir
thaibhríos gur de sholas na gealaí
is ea thú go léir
nach den saol seo thú
an éireoidh an ré
chun tú a bhreith léi
I dreamt you were made
entirely of moonlight
you were not of this earth
will the moon rise
and take you with it
murab ionann is na gondalóirí
is a gcuid seanamhrán
canfadsa duitse
rud éigin úrnua ar fad
in aghaidh na huaire
unlike gondoliers
with a litany of old songs
I will sing for you
something entirely new
by the hour
thaibhríos gur neach mara a bhí ionat
nuair is dúghorm a bhíonn an mhuir
glaonn sí ort
iompaíonn tú do dhroim
ar an domhan
I dreamt you were a sea creature
on days when the sea is dark blue
it calls out to you
you turn your back
on our world
thaibhríos gur scríobhas
dán foirfe duitse
dhúisíos is ní raibh teacht
ach ar an líne dheireanach
duitse bíodh líológa ann go brách
in a dream I had written
the perfect poem for you
I awoke and all I could find
was the last line
for you may there always be lilacs
scairtfidh mé d’ainm
ó na díonta
beidh fhios ag cách é
tuigfidh an éanlaith conas é a rá
ina dteanga féinig
I shall shout your name
from rooftops
all shall know it
birds will sing it
each in its own tongue
d’eitil dán óm’ lámh
lorgaíos gach áit é
dán ceiliúrtha ár ngrá
glantóir sráide a tháinig air
tá sé fós á léamh
a poem flew from my hand
I searched for it high and low
it spoke of our love
a streetcleaner found it
he’s read it a hundred times
an mbeadh grá agat dom, ar mé
dá mbeinnse im’ Guy Fawkes
grá! arsa tusa liom,
níos buaine ná riamh
phléasc mo chroí
would you still love me, I asked
if I were Guy Fawkes
I would love you, you said
more than ever
my heart exploded
sheolas giolla chugat
lem’ chuid dánta go léir
coinnigh súil amach dó
aithneoidh tú é
ar a neamhshaoltacht
I’ve dispatched a messenger boy
with all my poems for you
keep a sharp eye out
you will know him
by his air of otherworldliness