Sleachta as saothar Ghabriel Rosenstock Extracts from the works of Gabriel Rosenstock
conas teacht ortsa mura dtiocfainn orm féin sa triscéil Bhreatnach tairseach an neamhní, a chuid ag cur thar maoil gan teorainn
conas teacht ortsa
mura dtiocfainn orm féin
sa triscéil Bhreatnach
tairseach an neamhní, a chuid
ag cur thar maoil gan teorainn
how can i find You if i cannot find myself in a Welsh triskele a portal to nothingness brimful of borderlesness
how can i find You
if i cannot find myself
in a Welsh triskele
a portal to nothingness
brimful of borderlesness