Anocht an Oíche
Deir an fógraFan Amach!
Zutritt Verboten!
Cén fáth?
Cad tá ar bun istigh ann?
Chuala go raibh rud éigin ar siúl
le coiníní ann
céasadh de shaghas éigin
iad á bpulcadh le sceallóga
und borgairí McDonalds.
Ní fheadfadh sé bheith fíor
an bhféadfadh?
Gearrfaidh mé tríd an tsreang anocht.
Feicfimid ambaist.
Tonight’s The Night
The sign saysStay Out!
Zutritt Verboten!
Why is this?
What’s going on?
I hear they’re experimenting with rabbits
some kind of torture
stuffing them with fries
und McDonalds burgers.
Couldn’t be true
could it?
I’ll cut through the wire tonight.
We’ll bloody well see.