agus scríobhas “Amárach”
ar fud an urláir
Ar theacht na maidine, ar siad go léir:
Abair linn, cathain a thiocfaidh “Amárach”?
Amárach, Amárach, cá bhfuil tú?
Chaoineas uisce mo chinn
ach níor tháinig Amárach ar ais.
Sé deir Vidyapati: Éist, a stór!
De d’Amárachsa deineadh inniu
le mná eile.
He promised he'd return tomorrow
by Vidyapati
English version by Azfar Hussain
Original Language Maithili
He promised he'd return tomorrow.
And I wrote everywhere on my floor:
The morning broke, when they all asked:
Now tell us, when will your "Tomorrow" come?
Tomorrow, Tomorrow, where are you?
I cried and cried, but my Tomorrow never returned!
Vidyapati says: O listen, dear!
Your Tomorrow became a today
with other women.