

Thug tú péire súl dúinn
Prabodh Parikh

is dhein tais iad chomh maith
le d' fhéilese, bhí an domhan ag cur thar maoil
mhúin tú dúinn conas siúl tríd an dufair, an dufair
a chur dínn.

Tusa a chuir na mantraí inár gcluas de chogar
is a chnag ar dhoirse an tsolais istigh

Chruthaigh tú droichead a lig dúinn dul sall

Thug tú péire súl dúinn
is dhein tais iad chomh maith.


You gave us a pair of eyes
you also made them moist
you made the earth overflow with your giving
you taught us to walk through the jungle, to cross
the jungle.

You were the one who whispered the mantras in our ears
that knocked at the doors of the light within

You created a bridge spanning from here to there

You gave us a pair of eyes
and also made them moist.

Prabodh Parikh