Cad a tharla sa bhliain 1814?
- Tosnaíonn misinéirí ar an Maoris a bhreacadh síos den chéad uair
- Rugadh Richard D’Alton :
‘The three past years, during leisure moments, have been devoted by me to know the Irish language, with which I was previously utterly unacquainted. The labour was severe and often abandoned, almost with despair, because I could not find correct books to study from. The rules for pronunciation were a jumble of contradictions, owing to the misspellings of words, the confounding of radical and adventitious letters, and the want and misplacing of marks. All these errors caused a false reading, which made a babel of the language, brought the laugh of the Irish-speaking listener on the reader, and thus forced him to resign all further attempts towards attaining his Mother tongue.’ (
- Rugadh an file Úcránach Taras Shevchenko
- Rugadh an scríbhneoir Éireannach Sheridan Le Fanu
- Rugadh an scríbhneoir Rúiseach Mikhail Lermontov
- Rugadh Seán Pléimeann, scoláire Gaeilge
- Cailleadh an tírghráthóir Thomas Davis
- Cailleadh Johann Gottlieb Fichte, fealsamh Gearmánach
- Cailleadh Theophilius O’Flanagan, scoláire Gaeilge
Agus sa bhliain 1814 chum Issa an haiku seo:
éanlaith uisce
leath ina gcodladh –
an domhan ar snámh
mizudori yo ima no ukiyo ni nebokeru na
Cad is brí le ukiyo, ‘domhan ar snámh’?