(In Memoriam M.H.)
A bilingual meditation on Hartnett’s Tao
Gabriel Rosenstock
Sliocht as (an extract)
Taoi anois sa Tao
gan tús gan chríoch
sa ghuairneán thar eolas.
Gach a raibh ar eolas agat
is a d’fhágais gan ainm
corraíonn an uile ní.
You are now in the Tao
beginningless, endless,
the whirl beyond knowing.
All that you knew
and left unnamed
moves all else.
Is tú anois an learóg
is í cromtha faoin ngaoth
Now you are
windbowed larch
Cá dtiocfaimid ort
mura dtiocfaimid ort sa ghaoth?
Where shall we find you
if not in the wind?