
Amhrán na Máthar

Dán Ionúiteach a bhailigh Knud Rasmussen

Nach ciúin atá an tigh.
Tá séimhe anseo sa tigh.
Scread chráite ón stoirm shneachta amuigh ansin,
agus na madraí cuachta suas, soc faoin eireaball.
Tá mo bhuachaillínse ina chodladh,
ina luí ar a dhroim, a bhéal ar leathadh, ag análú.
Nach cruinn atá a bhoilgín -
cá hionadh má tá mo ghruanna tais le deora áthais!


Dorn Haiku ón tSeapáin

 sabishii zo nawatobi no chi o utsu oto wa

nach uaigneach!
fuaim rópa scipeála
nuair a bhuaileann an talamh                                             

Etsuko Ohishi

adayoeru tebukuro no aru unga kana

lámhainn ar snámh
san uisce . . .
an chanáil                   

Sujū Takano (1893-1976)

fuyu no hama ho o tome kazou nami no kazu

trá sa gheimhreadh
chun tonnta a chomhaireamh

Bōkōshi Ogawa   

hotto ii mirin o katte fuyuyasumi

cheannaíos saké
níos costasaí ná mar is gnách            
saoire gheimhridh           

Maiko Goto       

kareha no tame kotori no tame ni ishi no isu

do dhuilleoga feoite
cathaoir chloch

Sanki Saito (1900 -1962)

shiranu ma ni fuyu no kingyo to narinikeri

n'fheadar conas a tharla sé
i m'iasc órga geimhridh     

    Noriyo Endo

kaze no ko no katae ni neko mo nemuri keri

slaghdán ar an leanbh -
in aice leis
cat ina chodladh chomh maith           

Katsura Kishida

gekkō o matsuge ni keito andeiru

solas na gealaí
ar a cuid fabhraí
is í ag cniotáil

Atsuko Sakanishi

shōō no medeshi kogai ya hama no aki

na mionsliogáin
a thaitin go mór le Bashō –
trá san fhómhar

Fukin Endo

tabitatan ironaki kaze no kuru hō e

imeoidh mé
sa treo as a dtagann
an ghaoth gan dath

Takehiko Tanioka

furusato no hatarakimono no kakashitachi

mo bhaile dúchais
na fir bhréige
ag obair go dian

Koh Yaguchi

meigetsu ya hanarebanare ni fune to kai

gealach lán−
scartha óna chéile
bád agus maidí rámha

Gogyo Akatsuka

matsu wakete kitaru hikari wa aki no umi

solas ag teacht
trí ghéaga giúise
muir san fhómhar

Atsuko Sakanishi

kaminari kuru to tokage no nodo furueori

scornach na laghairte
ar crith

Yukiko Kai

atsuki hi o oeru ni yūkaze to bahha

clabhsúr ar lá brothallach
leoithne an tráthnóna
agus Bach

Kyoko Uchimura

setsumei no tsukanu sabishisa higasa sasu

nach féidir a mhíniú
osclaím scáth gréine

Yukiko Endo


mizuumi ni akari sabishiki hanabi kana

soilse uaigneacha
na dtinte ealaíne
ar an loch . . .

Yoko Yamamoto

hiki wa hiki hito wa hito kou yo narikeri

buaf ag tnúth le buaf
duine ag tnúth le duine
is oíche mar sin í

Minoru Ozawa

bara no sono hikikaesaneba deguchi nashi

gairdín rósanna
ní féidir dul amach as
gan casadh timpeall

Kiyoko Tsuda (1920-2015)

shirasagi no mirumiru kage o hanarekeri

corr réisc bhán
nach gasta mar a éalaíonn
óna scáil

Keishu Ogawa


DÁN FRÍOTHA / Walt Whitman (Found Poem in Collected Prose)

Walt Whitman
le Thomas Wilmer Dewing

(A found poem, extracted from the prose by Walt Whitman)

I wander about a good deal,
sometimes at night under the moon.
Tonight took a long look at the President's house.
The white portico —
the palace-like, tall, round columns,
spotless as snow
 — the walls also —
the tender and soft moonlight,
flooding the pale marble,
and making peculiar faint languishing shades,
not shadows —
everywhere a soft transparent hazy,
thin, blue moon-lace, hanging in the air —
the brilliant and extra-plentiful clusters of gas,
on and around the facade, columns, portico,
 — everything so white, so marbly pure
 and dazzling, yet soft
 — the White House of future poems,
and of dreams and dramas,
there in the soft and copious moon —
the gorgeous front,
in the trees, under the lustrous flooding moon,
full of reality, full of Illusion —
the forms of the trees, leafless, silent,
in trunk and myriad angles of branches,
under the stars and sky —
the White House of the land,
and of beauty and night —
sentries at the gates, and by the portico,
silent, pacing there in blue overcoats —
stopping you not at all,
out eyeing you with sharp eyes,
whichever way you move.