No, thank you Mr. Trump.
Like David against Goliath, we will fight against Trump's imperialism.
The world was small when I was a child in Uummannaq.
We heard about the outside world through the squeaky little radio.
One day it was said that the Americans were going to build a huge military facility up north.
There was also something about them wanting to build a nuclear power plant under the ice cap in the north.
We were fascinated - to think that in our country a city could be built under the ice cap, powered by a nuclear power plant, and build huge radar systems that can spot the slightest movement we make far away from there.
All this would happen in the far north, in a place that has the same name as my city.
Our neighbor, old Qaarut, is from there up north.
White-faced, she comes in to our home with terrible news:
- Her family and fellow residents of the old town have been forced to move from their homes and land.
- She explained that the people of the other Uummannaq had been asked to move from their homeland in three days.
- In three days, they must pack all their belongings, leave their houses and homes.
- the land their ancestors had chosen as the best hunting ground in the area.
- No discussion, no debate. In three days, you must be out of here, was the order.
- By dogsled, entire families had to travel across fjord ice, boulders and ice caps to the place American soldiers had chosen for them to settle.
- Inughuit is the name of the people who were forced to move.
- In the cold of winter, they had to live in tents for many, many days. There were no houses ready for them to move into.
- It was a sad day for old Qaarut and for us that the Inughuit were forced to leave their homes and land to make way for the Americans.
Later, several years later, there was another terrible story.
- In the dark of winter, a huge flash of light had appeared in the sky.
- It was a giant airplane, a B52-series, with nuclear bombs on board, had crashed on the ice off Inughuit’ s new settlement.
- People in need must be helped. Inughuit on dog sleds were the first to arrive to help those in need.
- Only radioactive contamination on their hunting grounds was given thanks to their help.
- The nuclear power plant town under the inland ice was abandoned.
- Only radioactive contamination was left under the ice.
- The ice is melting - what can we do?
- I was a child when I first heard the word democracy.
- I was told by my mum that it means the right of self-determination of the people.
- That as part of the Kingdom we now have equal rights and democracy in our country.
- Was I naive when I asked myself as a child: Where was the Inughuit right of self-determination on the day of destiny when the US and Denmark agreed to build the large radar facilities on Inughuit settlements?
- Time heals all wounds, they say.
- But does it really?
- It is rumored that the great new chief of the states - also known as the most powerful man in the world wants full control over Inughuit, Kalaallit and Iivit - the people who live in Kalaallit Nunaat.
- Why? So that America can become even bigger, even richer and even more powerful.
- I was a child when I heard about the doings of the Americans in Inughuit land.
- I am now an old man and hear the ‘Great Chief’ of America puffing himself up to gain control of - not only our country - but the whole world.
- At first, I am puzzled and uncertain - what does he mean?
- Then I got angry. He'll be damned if he's going to get Greenland incorporated into the US.
- Like David, we will fight Goliath - and form a united front against Trump's imperialism.
Greenland in a united front against Trump's imperialism.
The worst threat to Greenland's independence does not come from Denmark.
The threat comes from the US and Trump's imperialism.
I am not against the American people, but I am against Trump's imperialism.
Therefore, I believe that Greenland shall create a common front against Trump's aggressive positions.
The US already has military facilities in Greenland, which they can expand or build new ones. They also already have opportunities to invest in mining.
Trump's ideas are therefore purely imperialistic.
Let's all stand together against that imperialism.
*** ***
No, thank you Mr. Trump.
Vi vil som David kæmpe mod Trumps imperialisme.
Verden var lille da jeg var barn i Uummannaq.
Om verden udenfor hørte vi gennem den lille knirkende radio.
En dag blev det sagt at amerikanerne skulle bygge et kæmpe militær anlæg nordpå
Der var også noget med at de vil anlægge et atomkraftværk ind under indlandsisen, der nordpå.
Fascinationen var stor hos os – tænk at der i vores land kan blive bygget en by under indlandsisen drivet af atomkraftværk, og bygge kæmpe radaranlæg, som kan få øje på de mindste bevægelser vi laver langt væk derfra.
Al det skulle ske langt nord på, i et sted som har samme navn som min by.
Vores nabo, gamle Qaarut, stammer derfra.
Hvid i ansigtet kommer hun ind med skrækkelig nyhed:
• Hendes familie og gamle bys fæller er blevet tvunget til at flytte fra deres hjem og land
• Hun fortalte, at befolkningen i den anden Uummannaq var blevet bedt om at flytte fra deres hjemland om tre dage.
• i løbet af tre dage skal de pakke al deres ting, forlade deres huse og hjem.
• det land deres forfædre havde valgt som det bedste fangststed i området.
• ingen diskussion, ingen debat. Om tre dage skal I være væk herfra, var ordren.
• med hundeslæde skulle hele familier køre hen over fjord is, fjeldknolde og indlandsis til det sted, amerikanske soldater har valgt at de skal bosætte sig i.
• Inughuit hedder de mennesker, der blev tvunget til at flytte.
• I vinterkulden skulle de bo i telte i mange mange dage. Der var ingen huse klar de kan flytte ind til.
• Det var sorgens dag for gamle Qaarut og for os, at Inughuit blev tvunget til at forlade deres hjem og land for at give amerikanerne plads.
Senere, flere år senere, kom endnu en skrækkelig historie.
• I vinterens mærke var et kæmpe lysglimt var der kommet på himlen.
• Det var en kæmpe flyvemaskine, en B52-ser, med atombomber om bord, var faldet ned på isen ud for Inughuit nye bosted.
• Mennesker i nød skal hjælpes. Inughuit på hundeslæde var de første, der kom for at hjælpe de nødstedte.
• Kun radioaktiv forurening på deres fangst områder fik de som tak for deres hjælp.
• Atomkraftværk byen under indland isen blev forladt.
• Kun radioaktiv forurening blev efterladt under isen.
• Isen smelter – hvad kan vi gøre?
• Jeg var et barn, da jeg første gang hørte om ordet demokrati
• Jeg fik af min mor fortalt, at det betyder folkets selvbestemmelses ret.
• At vi som del af Kongeriget nu er lige berettige og har demokrati i vores land.
• Var jeg naiv da jeg som barn spurgte mig selv: Hvor var Inughuits selvbestemmelses ret på skæbnen dag, da USA og Danmark blev enige om at bygge de store radaranlæg på Inughuit bosteder?
• Tiden læger alle sorg, siger man.
• Men gør det også det?
• Det forlyder, at den store nye høvding – som også kaldes verdens mægtigste mand
Vil have fuld kontrol over Inughuit, Kalaallit og Iivit – de mennesker, der bor i Kalaallit Nunaat.
• Hvorfor? For at amerika kan blive endnu større, endnu rigere og endnu mere magtfuld.
• Jeg var barn, da jeg hørte om amerikanernes laden og gøren i Inughuit land.
• Jeg er nu en gammel mand og hører “Den Store Høvding” i amerika puste sig op for at få kontrol med – ikke alene med vores land – men med hele verden.
• Jeg bliver først forundret og usikker – hvad mener han?
• Så blev jeg vred. Gu skal han ej få Grønland indlemmet i USA.
• Vi vil som David kæmpe mod Goliat – og danne fællesfront mod Trumps imperialisme
Greenland in a united front against Trump's imperialism.
The worst threat to Greenland's independence does not come from Denmark.
The threat comes from the US and Trump's imperialism.
I am not against the American people, but I am against Trump's imperialism.
Therefore, I believe that Greenland shall create a common front against Trump's aggressive positions.
The US already has military facilities in Greenland, which they can expand or build new ones. They also already have opportunities to invest in mining.
Trump's ideas are therefore purely imperialistic.
Let's all stand together against that imperialism.
*** ***
Kalaallit Nunaat ataatsimoortoq Trump-imut naaggaarpoq.
Trump nunasiaateqarniarnersuanut akersuuteqatigiittariaqarpugut.
Nunatta nammineq naalagaaffinngornissaanut ajoqusiisussaq anneq Danmarkimeersuunngilaq.
USA-meerpoq Trumpillu nunasiaateqarusunnersuaniilluni.
Amerikami inuiaat akerlerinngillakka, Trumpilli nunasiaateqarniarnersua naaggaarapara.
Taamaattumik isumaqarpunga Kalaallit Nunaat ataatsimoortoq Trump-ip nunasiaateqarusunnersuanut naaggaarluinnassasoq.
USA nunatsinni sakkutoqarfeqareerpoq, allanik ilanissaanut periarfissaqareerluni.
Aatsitassarsiorusukkunik aningaasaliinissaminnut periarfissaqareerput.
Trumpip oqaasi nunatsinnik tiguaaniarnermik siunertaqarneq.
Ataatsimoorluta unitseqisigu.