Granum Sinapis
Deisceabal de chuid Meister Eckhart
I dtosach,
go hard os cionn na tuisceana, is ea an briathar, go deo.
A thaisce as cuimse,
ina bhfuil an tús de shíor i mbroinn an túis!
A ucht athartha as a eascraíonn
an briathar go háthasach is go deo.
Is fós chloígh an bhroinn
go dlúth leis an mbriathar, gan aon agó.
As an dís an t-aon ina thuile
ina sméaróid bheo
á gceangal araon,
is mar sin an spiorad is milse ina shruth
siméadrach go hiomlán,
doscartha óna chéile.
Is Aon í an Tríonóid:
an eol duit cad é? Ní heol,
ní heol d'éinne é ach é féin amháin go hiomlán.
Sceimhle gan teorainn a dtriúr in aon líon.
Níor chuimsigh an réasún
riamh é mar chiorcal:
ag seo an duibheagán gan ghrinneall.
Am, cruthanna, spás
i sáinn! Foinse an uile ní
ciorcal na mistéirí;
ann féin a bhunús dochlaochlaithe.
Fág seo, dreap go hiomasach,
sliabh na rinne seo!
Tabharfaidh an tslí seo
amach sa díseart iontach thú
iontach fairsing agus fada.
Am ná spás
níl sa díseart seo.
Tá a nádúr féin aige.
Níl cos ann
a shiúil an díseart seo,
ná réasún
a chuaigh fad leis.
Is ann dó is n'fheadair éinne cad é féin.
Anso atá sé, thall,
cóngarach, i gcéin,
thíos, thuas,
sa tslí
nach rud amháin ná rud eile é.
Éadrom, glé,
chomh dubh le pic,
gan ainm,
thar eolas,
gan tús, níl deireadh leis go deo,
soiprithe ann féin,
nocht, gan cheileatram.
Cá bhfios cá bhfuil cónaí air?
Tagadh sé
is abradh sé cén cruth atá air.
Bí mar leanbh,
bí bodhar, bí dall!
Bíse id shubstaint féin
id neamhní;
cuir uait gach substaint,
gach neamhní, cuir uait iad!
Tréig idir spás is am,
tabhair cúl le do chló.
Imigh gan conair romhat
ar feadh an chosáin chaoil,
is éireoidh leat teacht ar an díseart.
Ó, a anam liom,
amach leat, isteach le Dia!
Síos liom síos
i neamhní Dé
síos sa tuile dhothomhaiste.
Má theithim uait,
tagann tú chugam,
má chaillim mé féin,
aimsím thú:
A shuáilce is tú ag leathnú leat ar fud na bhfud.
In dem begin
hô uber sin
ist ie daz wort.
ô rîcher hort,
dâ ie begin begin gebar!
ô vader brust,
ûz der mit lust
daz wort ie vlôz!
doch hat der schôz
daz wort behalden, daz ist wâr.
Von zwên ein vlût,
der minnen glût,
der zweier bant,
den zwein bekant,
vlûzet der vil sûze geist
vil ebinglîch,
dî drî sîn ein.
weiz du waz? nein.
iz weiz sich selber aller meist.
Der drîer strik
hat tîfen schrik,
den selben reif
nî sin begreif:
hîr ist ein tûfe sunder grunt.
schach unde mat
zît, formen, stat!
der wunder rink
ist ein gesprink,
gâr unbewegit stêt sîn punt
Des puntez berk
stîg âne werk,
der wek dich treit
in eine wûste wunderlîch,
dî breit, dî wît,
unmêzik lît.
dî wûste hat
noch zît noch stat,
ir wîse dî ist sunderlîch.
Daz wüste gût
nî vûz durch wût,
geschaffen sin
quam nî dâ hin:
us ist und weis doch nimant was.
us hî, us dâ,
us verre, us nâ,
us tîf, us hô,
us ist alsô,
daz us ist weder diz noch daz.
Us licht, us clâr,
us vinster gâr,
us unbenant,
us unbekant,
beginnes und ouch endes vrî,
us stille stât,
blôs âne wât.
wer weiz sîn hûs?
der gê her ûz
und sage uns, welich sîn forme sî.
Wirt als ein kint
wirt toup, wirt blint!
dîn selbes icht
mûz werden nicht,
al icht, al nicht trîb uber hôr!
lâ stat, lâ zît,
ouch bilde mît!
genk âne wek
den smalen stek,
sô kums du an der wûste spôr.
Ô sêle mîn
genk ûz, got în!
sink al mîn icht
in gotis nicht,
sink in dî grundelôze vlût!
vlî ich von dir,
du kumst zu mir.
vorlîs ich mich,
sô vind ich dich,
ô uberweselîches gût!
Granum Sinapis
(Anon.) (14ú hAois)
Leagan Béarla Karen J. Campbell
In the beginning
high above comprehension
is the word, eternally.
O rich treasure,
where the beginning eternally bore the beginning!
O paternal bosom,
out of which, in bliss,
the word flowed forth eternally.
Yet the womb still
held fast to the word, truly.
Of the two, one flowing forth,
ember of love,
binding both,
known to both,
so flows the sweetest spirit
in complete symmetry,
The three are one:
do you know, what? No,
it alone knows itself completely.
The enmeshment of the three
harbors deep terror.
No reason has ever
comprehended this circle:
here is a depth without bottom.
Check and mate
to time, to shapes, to space!
The circle of mysteries
is a source of everything;
its point of origin rests, completely immutable, in itself.
Leave your doings
and climb, insight,
the mountain of this point!
The way leads you
into a wondrous desert
which extends wide
and immeasurably far.
The desert knows
neither time nor space.
Its nature is unique.
Never has a foot
crossed the domain of the desert,
created reason
has never attained it.
It is, and yet no one knows what.
It is here, there,
far, near,
deep, high,
so that
it is neither the one nor the other.
Light, clear,
completely dark,
without beginning and also without end,
it rests in itself,
unveiled, without disguise.
Who knows what its dwelling is?
Let him come forth
and tell us of what shape it is.
Become as a child,
become deaf, become blind!
Your own substance
must become nothingness;
drive all substance, all nothingness far from you!
Leave space, leave time,
eschew also all physical representation.
Go without a way
the narrow foot-path,
then you will succeed in finding the desert.
O my soul,
go out, let God in!
Sink, my entire being,
into God's nothingness,
sink into the bottomless flood!
If I flee from you,
you come to me,
if I lose myself,
I find you:
O goodness extending over all being