


Cad a dhéanfaidh ár bpáistí
ar maidin?
An ndúiseoidh siad is fonn ar a gcroí dul ag spraoi
mar is dual
do sciatháin?

An mbeidh na heitiltí riachtanacha ina dtaibhreamh acu is an neart sin cruinnithe ó na pláinéid acu is gá má tá fir is mná
chun meallacacht iontach
an domhain seo
a chur sa mheá
i dtreo is nach ligfí dá chumhacht is áilleacht
na tréithe sin ionainne a dhearúd?

Tá seanchur amach agamsa ar an gcroí – an flosc atá air a bheith beo.
Tá gá chomh mór sin ag an ngrá le grá
go gcuirfeadh sé suas le haon ní, an drochíde féin,
ar mhaithe le drithliú seal.  Béal na spéire, ámh, is tláith,
ní ghortódh a amhrán go deo thú, mar go gcanaimse
na briathra seo.

Cad a dhéanfaidh ár bpáistí ar maidin
mura bhfeicfidh siad ag eitilt



What will
our children do in the morning?
Will they wake with their hearts wanting to play,
the way wings

Will they have dreamed the needed flights and gathered
the strength from the planets that all men and women need to balance
the wonderful charms of
the earth

so that her power and beauty does not make us forget our own?

I know all about the ways of the heart - how it wants to be alive.

Love so needs to love
that it will endure almost anything, even abuse,
just to flicker for a moment.  But the sky's mouth is kind,
its song will never hurt you, for I
sing those words.

What will our children do in the morning
if they do not see us

~ Rumi ~

(Love Poems From God: Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West by Daniel Ladinsky)