
All day I hear the noise of waters / An lá ar fad is clos dom uiscí

File: James Joyce
Cumadóir: Bernard Rands
All day I hear the noise of waters
  Making moan,
Sad as the sea-bird is, when going
  Forth alone,
He hears the winds cry to the waters'
The grey winds, the cold winds are blowing
  Where I go.
I hear the noise of many waters
  Far below.
All day, all night, I hear them flowing
  To and fro.
An lá ar fad is clos dom uiscí
Uaigneach mar éan mara ag eitilt
  Mo bhrón,
Ag éisteacht le géarghuth na gaoithe
  Och ochón.
An ghaoth ghlas, an ghaoth fhuar ag séideadh
  I mo threo.
Is clos dom uiscí fuara is iad
  Ag imeacht leo.
An lá ar fad, ar feadh na hoíche
  Is go deo.