
You are the forest/Is Tú an fhoraois

Le Akka Mahadevi (12ú Aois)

Is Tú an fhoraois

is Tú na crainn mhóra go léir
san fhoraois

is Tú an t-éan is an t-ainmhí
isteach is amach ag súgradh
i measc na gcrann

a Thiarna atá chomh geal le seasmain
a líonann cách - atá líonta ag cách

cén fáth
nach nochtfá dhom Do ghnúis?

You are the forest

you are all the great trees
in the forest

you are bird and beast
playing in and out
of all the trees

O lord white as jasmine
filling and filled by all

why don't you
show me your face?

English version by A. K. Ramanujan